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Different people are born with many different talents like the ability to teach, or they are good at a particular sport. If those people work hard and hone their talents they could possibly make a career out of what they are good at. The same goes with people that are born with the talent of writing and playing music.


There is this idea that the songs that are created by these musicians should be free to download, free to use in homemade movies or however a person seems fit to use someone else's work. Just because an electronic file is not technically a tangible object people think it's not stealing. Millions of people sitting in the protection of their own homes behind their own computers are stealing every day.


Being the owner of a small independent record label I rely on not only physical album sales but digital sales as well. A person may not understand the cost that can go into recording and releasing an album. A professionally recorded album that has been mixed and mastered properly is very expensive. For example, we released a ten track album that was 27 minutes and seven seconds long.  The recording, mixing and mastering was done at a cost of 4,000 dollars. The pressing of the CD was 1,000 dollars for 500 copies. The band that recorded this particular album was from Indiana and the studio they went to was in Royal Oak, Michigan, so there was also food, lodging and other travel expenses involved in the recording process. The album is digitally released on only pay to download or pay to listen bases to help recoup expenses to put towards the next release.


This website will explore the history of how this phenomenon was started in a college dorm room and how it has been a topic of discussion in and out of the courtroom for over a decade. We will look at different peoples opinions on the matter of who are against music downloading and who are for it.

© 2014 by D-Jay Bidwell

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